With so many pressures put on your organization, you might feel overwhelmed by having to amplify just a few key messages. But having a clear focus of what your brand is and why people should care will only make your job easier as a marketer. A well-crafted positioning statement captures the essence of your brand, differentiates it from the competition and informs all your branding and marketing efforts.
Whether you’re part of a startup or an established organization, the blueprint below offers practical tips for creating an effective and powerful brand positioning statement.
What is a brand positioning statement?
At its core, a brand positioning statement is a concise and powerful declaration that encapsulates what your brand stands for, who it serves and how your organization distinguishes itself from its competitors. This statement serves as the bedrock of your brand’s identity and communicates your unique value proposition.
At Sunup, we like to think of a positioning statement as the Rosetta stone of your organization — guiding all marketing efforts, product development, customer experiences and more. That is, virtually everything.
As such, an impactful brand positioning statement requires a deep understanding of your audience and the competitive forces at play, which means it needs to be authentic, relevant and rooted in your brand’s values and strengths.
So where to get started?
4 elements of a winning brand positioning statement.
Element 1: industry/category.
First, establish the context for your brand. Define your industry and/or category, which will help position your brand relative to other similar organizations while providing a framework for more differentiated communication.
Element 2: audience.
Create detailed buyer personas or customer profiles that encompass demographic, psychographic, firmographic and/or behavioral characteristics. While doing so, don’t be afraid to get granular.
Ikea once defined its audience as “left sock, left shoe; right sock, right shoe” people instead of “left sock, right sock; left shoes, right shoe” people. That might be too offbeat for some brands. But knowing your audience allows you to tailor your offerings and messaging to meet the needs and aspirations of the people you serve.
Element 3: points of differentiation.
Articulate what sets your brand apart and why customers should choose your products or services over others. Your points of differentiation should be relevant and meaningful to your target audience — and not just aimed at “occupying the white space in the market” simply because it’s wide open.
Element 4: value.
The value element addresses how your brand’s products or services fulfill customer needs by solving specific problems with specific solutions. This element also highlights the unique value proposition that your brand brings to the table. To achieve this, convey the tangible and intangible benefits that customers can expect from engaging with your brand, such as convenience, cost savings, efficiency, innovation and/or emotional fulfillment.
3 potential formulas for writing a brand positioning statement.
With all that in mind, you should be ready to put pen to paper. To craft your brand’s positioning statement, consider these templates as a starting point. While brand positioning statements can take many forms, what matters is that they communicate a clear angle succinctly.
Brand positioning statement formula, example 1
(Brand) is an (industry/category) company that provides (value) by (points of differentiation) to (audience).
Brand positioning statement formula, example 2
For (audience) that needs (value), (brand) is an (industry/category) that (points of differentiation).
Brand Positioning Statement Formula, Example 3
For (audience), (brand) is the (industry/category) that will (value) because (points of differentiation).
Positioning for brand success.
Once you have a positioning statement in hand — and it’s been vetted and approved by all stakeholders — remember that it’s not just a one-time effort but rather an ongoing process that requires monitoring, adjusting and adapting. Because market dynamics change, so do customer preferences. Stay attuned to these shifts, and ensure your brand’s position evolves with people’s needs.
The goal is to empower your organization to cut through the noise, engage your target audience and establish a lasting and meaningful connection. Your positioning statement is the cornerstone of your brand strategy, which ultimately determines your organization’s long-term success.